Shannon Kilpatrick is a civil appellate and trial lawyer
at Stritmatter Kessler Koehler Moore in Seattle

Your one-stop shopping for all appellate-related issues that come up in your tort cases, both before and after an appeal has begun.
What I Do
Before appeal. At the trial court level, I can help with summary judgment motions, evidentiary issues, jury instructions, preserving errors, post-trial motions. Some errors are unknowingly made by lawyers at the trial court level that no appellate attorney can fix, once an appeal has begun. That’s why it’s important to contact an appellate lawyer early.
Interlocutory appeals. I provide advice about and handle interlocutory appeals, so you can concentrate on building your case for the jury.
After appeal. Once a case is finished at the trial court, you have options. I can associate and handle all aspects of the appeal from gathering the record, briefing, and oral argument. Or I can consult with you on a limited basis on areas of appellate procedure, brief writing, preparation for oral argument, or general appellate advice.
Amicus Curiae. I also represent non-parties, sometimes pro bono, as amicus curiae (or friend of the court) that would like to weigh in on an issue in front of an appellate court.

Let’s Work Together
I have experience as both a trial and appellate lawyer, so I understand both worlds and what you’re going through. I’m always looking for new opportunities to partner with plaintiffs’ lawyers to shepherd their cases through the appellate process. I’m happy to tailor my role to fit the needs of the case and budget. Contact me and let’s talk!
“The law is the public conscience.”
— Thomas Hobbes
“Law without justice is a wound without a cure.”
— William Scott Downey